Fireplace Trends-Marble


Welcomed is the chill in the air, signaling fall to finally arrive.  The coziest time of year.  What better time to tackle that fireplace update you’ve been dreaming about for a while.  So, dust off those work boots and get ready for a fireplace demolition.   In the next few posts, we’ll share some of our favorite and/or most requested fireplace updates that our clients are asking for.

The first post will cover the ever coveted marble.   Found now in almost every room of the house.  Authentic marble, porcelain that looks like marble, marble wallpaper, you name it, it’s out there and everybody wants it.  With its former reputation as being only for the extravagant, marble has now been made accessible to everyone.

  1. The slab.  Insanely beautiful in a few words.  Why we love it?  Its natural, without seams it exquisite and quite impressive if you can spend the dough on it.  Slabs can cost from $1,000 to $6,000 on average depending on the quality and type.  Favorites are Calacatta (not Calcutta as many say), and Cararra (not Carerra as many others will say).  Both lovely and distinct, floor to ceiling…yes, please.


huge-slab-marble-fireplace marble-modern-floor-to-ceiling


2. Marble Tiles.  Artistic and personalized in a few words.  Why we love it?  So many sizes, styles, shapes and prices available.  Honeycomb, penny tile, subway, arabesque are all fun examples of marble tiles in the marketplace.  One can select a tile shape that is befitting their personality to express in their space.  Big oversized tiles like the image below are great for the floor to ceiling look without paying for the slab.




3. Cast Marble.  Statement making in a few words.  Why we love it?  Cast marble is striking with a high design reputation.  Intricate details, crisp modern cuts all can be achieved with the cast fireplace.  Cast marble are referring to the mantel surrounds while in the interior is cast stone, as seen below.




For more information about Marble Fireplaces, please leave a comment below or visit our contact page a and a professional designer will be in touch with you quickly.  Be sure to subscribe to the blog and like us on Facebook!

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