Tag Archives: subterranean garage

Custom Garage Elevators

Picture this…you are living in your dream home where you raised your kids.  You’ve spent a fortune making it just right.  Now that the kids are off to college you can start working on your car collection.  But first, where are you planning to store those precious beauties?  Jigsaw has your answer…subterranean garage.  Hidden away from the elements, the grand kids, in a temperature controlled environment in your current home.


There are a handful of contractors that build these incredible lifts. Design companies like Cardok in the UK began creating luxury design lifts to fill the constant need for space for the wealthy in European cities. The typical lift will hold a 3 ton vehicle, and for a reference a Range Rover weighs about 2.7 tons.  Multi-level lifts are available for up to 3 vehicles that will support up to 10 tons.


These companies pride themselves on leaving a small footprint in their engineering by taking up only slightly more space than the car itself. These custom lifts are minimal in design aesthetic to not be a complete eye-sore when they are exposed, and when the system is engaged they are virtually invisible.

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We’ve priced out a typical lift by an American made company that installs for car collectors and A-List celebrity homes.  A top of the line unit costs around $55,000 installed, but for customized units the cost runs significantly higher depending on the surroundings being matched.  Besides cars these lifts are used for boats, RV’s, food trucks, or anything your neighbors don’t want to look at 365 days a year.  The customization can be whatever you dream it to be, covered by a faux grass lawn, gravel rock driveway or tucked away in the basement of your home.



The big question is always; will it add value to your home?  Well, most numbers show you will only get back about half on your investment, but this uber exclusive device will definitely set your property apart from the rest.

The next question is will it be safe.  Most of the car elevators are controlled by a remote and the units will only engage while the button is pressed.  There is also a kill switch and a backup generator in case the power trips.

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This unique indulgence is a car lover’s dream.  It is truly a luxury item most of the world will only fantasize about.  But, like they say, dreams can come true.



For more information on custom garages and resources visit the contact page on the Jigsaw Design Group website at www.jigsawdesigngroup.com.  Someone will quickly contact you with more information.  Please subscribe to the blog for more informative articles like these, and check out our Facebook page for more tips and images!  Be sure to ‘like us’ on Facebook!